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Brainverse, Interconnected Visions

Although it is true that all systems need upgrade and all systems need other systems, some of the systems are destined to be unique, important, and core. Core systems are to be constructed with core hearts and core brains. At Brainverse, we celebrate the achievements of human intelligence in important areas of science and technology, and transform them into concrete core systems that are scalable, adaptable, interlinked, and performant.



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Technology has overcome many of human being's problems, while intensifying others. Sooner or later people would be there to discover, their own thought mechanism is somewhat equal to the technology itself, which in turn, both equal to the physics and mathematics underlying the universe itself. Of all these equalities between different conceptual & reality systems, you name it, and all these equalities between two different human brains, if viewed on the fundamental level, the major obvious part is that: they are different, in deed. Shattered by differences and driven by them, we urge for something that is more compatiable to our hearts, strife for them, and only to find that these compatiabilities taste more valuable, if incompatiabilities prevail. We are the slaves of our own views and choices, while enveloped in our noble courses and justified thoughts. We are also the children of them. Expectations make way for more urgent expectations, each driven by the differences that flow around us, past us, and become us. Still, in a world where institutionalized incompatiabilities prevail, there may still be a great common course that may prove good for the most of us. Technology that are too old or too incompatiable with others, may be choiced by many to be obscure. And eventually, technology that may prove only a partial course towards the unveiling of humanity itself, would make way for the technology that roots deep in our common expectations, which are generated by the human thought mechanism itself. This is what we choose to do. Tough, though, overwriting ourselves, each day.

Brainverse, Interconnecting Visions

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Humanity has come through a long journey, merging varied experiences, diversing into a multitude of destinies. Second decade in the 21st century, advanced as civilizations were, accomplishments have societies achieved, yet in a world full of hallucinations and anxieties, what are the true values for us to cherish and to uphold? In other words, what should come next and what really comes next? The human brain has always been witnessing past stories, and has always versed into future journeys of individual and collective legends. Comparisons record human feelings and actions mark human feats. Anticipations rise from advantages or difficulties, while through practice, values persit or hopes lost. Just as in the real world, the past would shape into the future through the means of now, computed using reality itself. In the 2020s, we are closer than ever to the discovery of a new means of brain-computing and interfacing the real world with the human brain, thus changing the world as we know it. While history has been consolidated by past and current human brains, for the multitude of future versions, we need something to compose with. With brainverse, we interconnect human visions.

Consulting Service

Brainverse (BV) researches into areas of AI, Brainscience, Cognitive Science, Graph Computing, Compiling Technology, NLP, Cloud middleware, Knowledge Graph, Machine Learning, Domain-specific-languages (DSL), and utilize the new ATDS (advanced transformable data structure), to offer knowledge managment, aquisition, correlation and mining service for individual professionals and institutes alike in the knowledge and management industry, exploring exciting new possibilities and creating emerging territories.

BV has been used by Research Institutes, Universities, News Agencies, Social Media Groups in Shanghai, Beijing, and other cities of China. BV is now offering service for the global market.

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